Online Cockfighting: A Virtual Frontier for Traditional Sports

There are not only found Online Cockfighting terms about competitions, livestock, etc. However, when training cocks, you can also get separate words. Details are listed below from WK777:

Exploring Online Cockfighting Techniques and Strategies

Exploring Online Cockfighting Techniques and Strategies


This can be the stage where the chickens might be braised in turmeric by chicken masters inside front. It will help them increase potency, efficacy, and endurance before entering the field.


This is among the most cockfighting terms used to refer to those activities of coaching fighting cocks before fighting. Or perhaps in case the cock is injured or needs to be refitted. Conditioning will help them restore health and gain endurance, flexibility and a better spirit.

Chicken soup

Cocking could be the term used to refer to additional care for fighting cocks. After conditioning, the cocker usually lets them rest to confirm their health when preparing for one’s match. During this period, it will be essential to observe the fighting cock’s diet because adequate nutrition might help the fighting cock maximise its capacity and strength.

Rolling beam

This can be the term used to spell it out the action cockfighters caused by helping fighting cocks’legs become firmer and have an overabundance of fighting power. Players use foot bath medicine and diluted salt water to let the reishi foot soak. Some other sort of players just use urine foot baths because they believe that the kind of water has many substances that help make the cock’s legs and throat stronger, making the blow more deadly.

Dew pants

Many experts train their cocks to exercise early every day when it’s still dew. The term used in such a case is dew pants. This not alone, helps the chicken move its wings, stretch and crow more powerfully, bringing about desirable stature and endurance.

Braise the chicken

Braise the chicken

This term comes from cockfighters who give their fighting cocks a sauna or bath with domestic hot water combined with green teas or herbal remedies. It will help the chickens become healthier; their bones are strong and hard, and their skin is shiny and rich in energy. Besides, this process also allows chickens to prevent many skin-related diseases like fungi, parasites, etc. And especially helps fighting cocks enhance their resistance to avoid getting sick, affecting their competitors and training process.

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Nursing method

To own the best fighting performance for cocks, cockmasters often apply two strategies for nurturing fighting cocks as follows:

Body care: This is precisely a procedure for training fighting cocks to help them look at flying, fighting, running or rhyming, etc.

Mind training: This term is needed to refer to the approach to helping the reflexes, flexibility, and sensitivity of fighting cocks. By regularly exposing them to numerous people in high-noise environments,… This will make the fighting cocks gradually become accustomed to it and not timid.

Basic Game Rules of Cockfighting at Thomo Arena

Basic Game Rules of Cockfighting at Thomo Arena

Designated Handlers:

Chicken owners are not allowed to get involved in the fights directly. Instead, experienced handlers are assigned to each rooster to confirm fairness throughout the entire competition.

Pre-Match Betting:

Wagering concludes before the match commences. Substantial quantities of money are generally at stake, often exceeding tens of a lot of Filipino pesos.

Determination from a Winner:

  • A chicken is declared the loser if it dies, flees the fighting area, or becomes incapacitated.
  • A draw is situated rare times when neither rooster continues the fight.

Match Duration:

The duration of the match is unpredictable. Some can end quickly minute in case your rooster is fatally injured, whilst others may last over 10 minutes.

Cockerel Injuries:

Cockerels could very well sustain injuries during fights. Individuals handling the roosters should be well prepared and use caution.

Match Schedule:

Matches are held daily at Thomo Arena, but common and attended days are Thursdays and Sundays.

Cockfighting terms are specialised words that cockfighters use to mention the cockfighting methods and activities before, during and after fighting. Hopefully using this type of sharing from Cockfighting SG777, an individual has somewhat grasped a substantial amount of information and applied it well in upcoming matches.

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